wild guardian network : "Wild whishpers : inspiring stories of animal guardians."

whispers of empathy :Tales from WILD GUARDIAN Network December 14, 2023
Love for animals was ingrained in me from an early age . When i was quite small ,I persistently urged my father , and he brought me a tiny puppy . However , my father , realizing that i wasn’t going to school , took the puppy back . “after that incident , the thought oh having a dog stuck with me . One day , i brought a stray puppy home. The time spent with him made me realize the profound language of love -the understanding that goes beyond the words . All of this unfolded within me because of that one little dog . While i already cherished love , it was after its departure that i felt a deeper connection , realizing that every creature had something to convey . The silent language they spoke become clear to me , and it all started with that one canine companion”. I wrote a heartfelt poem for him .Despite my tender age , i found a way to express my emotions through a poem .

“yet, within the simplicity of a child’s poem lies the heart of an forgettable tale . So join me in this journey , for beyond the innocence of those verses , there’s a narrative waiting to be unraveled .The poem might be small , but its significance in this story is immeasurable . Ready for the unexpected essence it carries .” “Unified Minds , one cause :A collective Journey for Animal Welfare “ So, what i want to convey is that i write because i believe all of you reading this blog share a common passion . We gathered here with a singular mindset , united by our deep concern for animals . but , even if our mindsets aren’t same , those reading my blog may eventually unite . Together , we’ll work towards our goals , refining our approach to achieve positive outcome .
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